The Flash Season 4, Arrow Season 6, Legends of Tomorrow Season 3 & Supergirl Season 3 Start Filming

Filming of your favourite CW superhero shows returns to Vancouver this week including The Flash Season 4, Arrow Season 6, Legends of Tomorrow Season 3 and Supergirl Season 3.

The Flash Season 4, Arrow, Legends and Supergirl start filming in Vancouver
Image via CTV / Bell Media

The Flash Season 4

Thanks to early renewals on all the Arrowverse shows, the writers certainly left us hanging on each of the finales. With Savitar now defeated and Barry in the speed force (albeit temporarily, I’m sure), what can we expect from The Flash season 4? After the first 3 seasons featured a speedster villain (Reverse Flash, Zoom, and Savitar), the showrunners made it clear long ago that wouldn’t be the case for this season. Thanks to a tweet from @FLASHProdOffice, we know the title of The Flash season 4 episode 1 will be “The Flash Reborn”.

After name-dropping the character a couple of times throughout the last few episodes, confirmed that the big bad for this season will in fact be will be Clifford DeVoe (aka The Thinker). We haven’t seen any official casting announcements for his role yet, but hopefully as filming gets underway the network will release the news.

Who would you like to see in the role of The Thinker in The Flash season 4? Let us know in the comments below!

Update: At San Diego Comic Con, Neil Sandilands (The 100, Hap and Leonard) was revealed as the actor behind The Thinker / Clifford DeVoe.

It won’t be shocking to see the return of Keiynan Lonsdale, Candice Patton, Jesse L. Martin, and Carlos Valdes in The Flash season 4, but some speculated that Tom Felton’s role was only a one season arc. However, he’d already returned to Vancouver in advance of production kicking off. Just Jared via @kingscourtgraph spotted Tom enjoying some Vancouver sunshine on June 27th. But will Julian get another chance with his love interest Caitlin this season? We’ll have to wait and see.

At the very least it won’t take long for us to see Caitlin back on our screens. Yesterday Danielle Panabaker tweeted a photo of her parking space at Vancouver Film Studios while they were in final prep for The Flash season 4 episode 1:

Although one of Tom Cavanagh’s characters, H.R. Wells, met his death during the season 3 finale, Barry asked his Earth 2 version (Harrison Wells) to stick around, so we’re sure to see more of him this season as well. After The Flash wrapped up production on season 3, Tom was back a couple weeks later for a role in a Hallmark original movie called Darrow and Darrow. Look for that on the Hallmark Channel later this year.

RELATED: Darrow and Darrow with Tom Cavanagh Starts Filming in BC

The Flash season 4 is scheduled to start filming in Vancouver and area today until April 21st, 2018. It premieres Tuesday, October 10th at 8pm on The CW in the US and on CTV in Canada.

Arrow Season 6

Arguably the biggest series finale cliffhanger in the Arrowverse last season was Arrow. With Oliver and William on a boat off the coast of Lian Yu alongside the dead body of Chase, we’re left wondering who made it off the island following the explosion; and how. Did Team Arrow make it to the A.R.G.U.S. plane on the other side of the island, the underground bunker, or was it too late? So many questions to set us up for a good story to start off Arrow Season 6. According to showrunner Marc Guggenheim, the first episode will be fittingly titled “Fallout”.

At the very least, it seems as though Dinah and Rene made it out unscathed; both actors (Juliana Harkavy and Rick Gonzalez) were promoted to series regulars earlier this spring as per The Hollywood Reporter. Dinah made her first appearance mid-way through season 5, whereas Rene was present from the season premiere onward. Both were technically only recurring characters last season despite heavy screen time. We’ll also be seeing a lot more of Katie Cassidy in her role as Black Siren. According to, she’s back as a series regular for season 6 after spending most of season 5 out of the limelight. One person who claims he won’t be back next season is John Barrowman whose character, Malcolm Merlyn, was last seen holding down a landmine that exploded off camera.

We can rest assured that we’ll be seeing more of John Diggle (David Ramsay) in Arrow season 6. Stunt coordinator and director James Bamford posted a behind the scenes picture of Ramsay on the Arrow set at Vancouver Film Studios on Sunday ahead of production kicking off:

Working on Sundays made better joined by @davidpaulramsey

A post shared by James Bamford (@james2bambamford) on

Josh Segarra, the actor behind last season’s big bag Adrian Chase, has been in Vancouver for a role on the upcoming Overboard movie remake as per @pursuit23. Although it would be convenient for him to make an appearance on this season of Arrow, it’s unlikely assuming Chase didn’t magically survive his self-inflicted handgun shot to the head.

After Arrow wrapped up season 5 in late April, series lead Stephen Amell hasn’t had much downtime. Since June 1st, he’s been in his hometown of Toronto filming an indie sci-fi feature called Code 8. He and his cousin, The Flash star Robbie Amell, are both starring in and executive producing the film which is based on a 10-minute short of the same name, also starring the cousins. Code 8 is scheduled to wrap up filming on July 14th (however Stephen’s last day on the film was July 5th as per his Twitter).

Arrow season 6 is scheduled to start filming in Vancouver on July 7th and will continue until April 26th, 2018. It premieres in it’s new day/time slot Thursday, October 12th at 9pm on The CW in the US. There’s a big caveat for those of us in Canada. According to a CTV press release, in Canada, Arrow season 6 moves to 9pm, but maintains its Wednesday position on CTV TWO. This is an interesting move; meaning that Canada would either get the episodes a full day ahead of the US, or we’ll be almost a week behind. We reached out to a rep with CTV TWO and can confirm that in Canada, Arrow will be airing each episode the week after the US. This is not exactly shocking as The CW likely wouldn’t want to risk having their ratings negatively impacted.

RELATED: Comic Book Shows Filmed in Vancouver – Your Favourites!

Legends of Tomorrow Season 3

Legends of Tomorrow may have the most-revealed upcoming season of all 4 shows. In a high level summary of Legends of Tomorrow season 3, the showrunners confirmed the return of Caity Lotz, Arthur Darvill, Victor Garber, Dominic Purcell, Brandon Routh, Franz Drameh, Maisie Richardson-Sellers and Nick Zano.

The returning cast will be joined by newcomers Tala Ashe (American Odyssey) and Billy Zane (Titanic) who will play Adrianna Tomaz (aka Isis) and P.T. Barnum respectively.

This time around the Legends will have to face the damage we saw at the end of last season which they caused by revisiting a point in the timeline they had already been. Their mission will be to restore the timeline without disrupting it further. However, their former teammate, Rip Hunter and his new “Time Bureau” gets in the way and causes the Legends to go their separate ways. That is, until Mick Rory crosses paths with one of them while on his much anticipated vacation in Aruba. With the gang back together, they’re determined to face the Time Bureau head-on and save the future their own way.

Thanks to @missalexad17 we know that one of the primary locations during Legends of Tomorrow season 3 episode 1 will be Central Park in Burnaby. According to the filming notice she found, the cast and crew are expected to be filming at the park from July 10th to 13th. Central Park is one of the most popular filming locations in the Lower Mainland of BC. In addition to being a location that Legends of Tomorrow has used several times before, in the past year the park has been used by Van Helsing, The Flash, Supernatural, Once Upon a Time, Arrow and more.

Legends of Tomorrow Season 3 is scheduled to start filming in Vancouver and area July 7th until February 26th. It premieres Tuesday, October 10th at 9pm on The CW in the US and on CTV TWO in Canada. Update 7/6: Showrunner Marc Guggenheim revealed via Twitter that filming is underway (which is a day ahead of the original schedule). The tweet also mentions that production is starting with episode 3×02 first, which is uncommon for the Arrowverse shows which normally shoot in order. An image of the episodes script cover shows that the episode will be titled “Freakshow”.

Supergirl Season 3

Although Kara and team have put the threat of Queen Rhea behind them, their work is far from over. Recently added to the cast of Supergirl season 3 is Odette Annable (Pure Genius). According to, she’ll portray this season’s big bad, a recently well known Kryptonian and formidable villain from the comics lore, “Reign”.

In last season’s finale, Kara and Mon-El were torn apart after his pod was drawn into a wormhole, but mention of him in the network’s official summary of season 3 revealed that we haven’t seen the last of Chris Wood’s character yet. We’ll also see the return of the David Harewood, Chyler Leigh, Mechad Brooks, Jeremy Jordan and Calista Flockhart.

Despite the undeniable on-screen chemistry and the proposal during the season 2 finale, we’ll see less of Alex and Maggie (aka Sanvers) this season. Floriana Lima (who plays Maggie) has stepped down from her series regular status. She’ll be back in some capacity though, because she’s still set as a recurring character as per

Katie McGrath was introduced as Lena Luthor during the beginning of season 2 and recurred throughout the rest of the season. According to, we’ll be seeing a lot more of her in Supergirl season 3 as she’s been promoted to series regular.

Erica Durance (Smallville) is joining the series in a recurring role according to She’ll be replacing Laura Benati as the character Alura.

Supergirl season 3 is scheduled to start filming in Vancouver and area July 6th until April 28th, 2018. It premieres Monday, October 9th at 8pm on The CW in the US and on Showcase in Canada.

Also Starting This Week

Once Upon a Time – Season 7 (TV Series)
Cast: Lana Parrilla, Robert Carlyle, Colin O’Donoghue, Andrew J. West, Alison Fernandez
Filming until April 2nd, 2018

To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before (TV Movie)
Filming until August 4th

For a full list of what’s filming in Vancouver and British Columbia right now, check out our In Production page.

Filming Locations

As always, keep an eye on our Current Filming Locations page where we post any information received via Twitter or otherwise. If you’re interested in checking out some past locations, have a look at our Filming Locations Archive.

Thank you @lemon_buzz for the initial scoop on when each of these shows would be returning to Vancouver to resume filming!

If you see any of these productions, including the The Flash season 4 filming in Vancouver and British Columbia, be sure to let us know by tweeting us (@WhatsFilming) or via our Submit a Location page.