What’s Filming in Vancouver and British Columbia?


global $wpdb;
$my_query = $wpdb->get_results( “SELECT * FROM prodlist WHERE startdate <= DATE(NOW()) and enddate >= DATE(NOW())” );
echo ‘Right now, there are ‘ . $wpdb->num_rows . ‘ productions currently filming in Vancouver and British Columbia.’;
[/insert_php] With all these productions on the go, you’re bound to see one! You may have noticed signs with large neon arrows containing some numbers and/or letters. These are posted to help the cast and crew get to where they need to be efficiently.

For the public, these are often a great indication of what’s filming nearby. Some of these signs make it obvious which production they belong to, for example iZombie. Others can be quite cryptic or completely random, for example Supernatural uses JMATWB… which stands for Jim Michaels AT Wreck Beach.

So how can I find out What’s Filming in Vancouver and British Columbia?
Check out our In Production page for a full list of what’s filming in Vancouver and British Columbia, in most cases, what you can expect to see on their directional signage.

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